How To Run Linux Alongside Windows

Prospective users of Linux usually find themselves sitting on the fence when it comes to making the switch either due to familiarity with Windows (or Mac, as the case may be), Lack of support for applications (such as games) on Linux or simply fear.

That however is due to a misconception that the operating system needs to be replaced to run Linux or perhaps that the process is irreversible.

Both of these are untrue and below, I share three (3) different ways Linux can be run alongside Windows easily and without risk.

  1. Dual Booting
    This process involves the partitioning of a computer's hard drive and installing different operating systems on each partition allowing the user to choose which to boot into at start up.

    Step 1: Backup Your Data: Before proceeding, it is important to ensure you have a backup of all your important data as dual booting involves partitioning of the hard drive, which carries the risk of data loss if not done carefully.

    Step 2: Create a Linux Installation USB: Download your preferred Linux distribution (Ideally Ubuntu or Mint for beginners) and create a bootable USB drive using tools like Rufus or Etcher.

    Step 3: Allocate Disk Space: Boot from the Linux USB drive and follow the installation wizard. When prompted, choose the option to install alongside Windows. Allocate the disk space for Linux, keeping in mind the minimum recommended requirements for your chosen distribution.

    Step 4: Complete the Installation: Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. Once finished, restart your computer. You'll see a boot menu allowing you to choose between Windows and Linux each time you start your PC.

  2. Virtualization
    This refers to using virtualization software such as Oracle VirtualBox, VMWare, or Microsoft Hyper-V to run a Linux distro on a Virtual Machine or VM.

    This setup allows for ease of use as the VM appears as a regular application allowing for easy switching and letting the user test or try out various distros before fully committing to a dual boot setup.

    Step 1: Choose Virtualization Software: Select one of the virtualization platforms discussed earlier such as Oracle VirtualBox, VMWare Workstation, or Microsoft Hyper-V. Download and install the software on your Windows PC.

    Step 2: Download a Linux ISO: Download the ISO image of the Linux distribution you want to run. Most distributions offer ISO downloads on their official websites.

    Step 3: Create a New Virtual Machine: Open your virtualization software and create a new virtual machine. Choose Linux as the guest operating system and configure the virtual machine settings, including RAM, CPU, and storage.

    Step 4: Install Linux: Start the virtual machine and boot from the Linux ISO you downloaded. Follow the installation process as you would on a physical machine. Once installed, you can run Linux within a window on your Windows desktop.

  3. Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
    This is an instance in which a tech giant gives back to, nurtures and encourages the open source community.

    WSL allows anyone to run a Linux distro natively within a Windows environment without the need for either booting or virtualization by providing a compatibility layer for running Linux binary executables.

    Step 1: Enable WSL Feature: Open PowerShell as Administrator and run the following command to enable the Windows Subsystem for Linux feature:

     codewsl --install

    Step 2: Install a Linux Distribution: Visit the Microsoft Store and search for your preferred Linux distribution (There are currently five distros on the Microsoft store including Ubuntu, Debian - which ubuntu is based on and Kali). Click "Install" to download and install the distribution.

    Step 3: Initialize the Distribution: Launch the installed Linux distribution from the Start menu. The first launch will initialize the distribution, setting up a user account and configuring basic settings.

    Step 4: Start Using Linux: Once initialization is complete, you'll have a fully functional Linux shell within your Windows environment. You can install additional packages and utilities using the built-in package manager (Advanced Package Tool/apt for Ubuntu, Kali and Debian).

Congratulations on successfully running Linux alongside your windows machine! (Whichever path you chose to take).

Wondering about your next steps? You can go here to see some basic Linux commands everyone should know.